Pokémon who? Pantone just released a new app for the color-obsessed and it’s everything

Calling all designers, wannabe designers, and color enthusiasts! Your life just got a whole lot easier and chromatic. Pantone, the company responsible for the color swatches you use to pick paint for your apartment, caught up with the digital world and released a new iOS app on Tuesday. The nifty new app, Pantone Studio, puts every color imaginable right at your fingertips.

Ron Potesky, senior vice president of Pantone, explained to Fast Company why they created the new app. “In our [market] research, we saw that designers are using mobile tools and they want their phone to be a platform for design and a hub for gathering inspiration. If we’re not mobile, we’re not Pantone in 10 years. It’s a must for us to be important and valuable to designers.”

This is not Pantone’s first app but it’s safe to say it’s their best. The app includes color guides with thousands of hues and lots of cool features such as a section of research and articles from Pantone’s Color Institute and a color picker, which basically shazam’s any color you see. (!!!)

For those like me who need major help when it comes to putting together a pleasing color palette, the app will create one for you. That means I can finally decide which color curtains to buy for my living room.

You do have to pay up to get some of these features, but it seems totally worth it if you want to stay color coordinated 24/7.