Poet Sierra DeMulder Slams Michele Bachmann

For those of you who are not familiar with Rep. Michele Bachmann and what this politician stands for, here’s a little bit of info. Bachmann is a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota’s 6th congressional district. As major opponents of same-sex marriage, Michele and her husband run a pretty controversial Christian counseling center called Bachmann & Associates. Although both Michele and Marcus (who runs the clinic) deny they practice conversion therapy for homosexuals, a former client and a hidden camera investigator did indeed discover therapists at the clinic who engage in this kind of “therapy”.

Last month, one of my favorite poets, Sierra DeMulder competed at the 2013 Women of the World Poetry Slam in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her poem gorgeously and powerfully brings up the issue of how conversion therapy can forever mark and destroy a person. She attacks the Bachmanns, accusing them of profiting off the bullying of gay teenagers:

“When another gay teenager commits suicide in Minnesota, you consider this free advertising. You buy a new necklace for every hanging, a bottle of Merlot for each overdose, your husband sends ‘thank you’ cards to their funeral, hand-signed, all referrals welcomed.”


Sierra is an amazing woman, and demonstrates how powerful words can truly be.

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