Pluto retrograde in Capricorn wants you to embrace your sexual desires—here’s what this means for your zodiac sign

Pluto retrograde begins on Saturday, April 25th and ends on Sunday, October 4th, 2020, in earthy Capricorn. During this time, you will be forced to embrace your secrets and former kinks—or fall back on old sexual desires. Embracing the taboo is essential now, as you will have the opportunity to dive deep within and find the courage to address and assert your passions for the next five months. Break out the leather, lace, whips, and have fun.
See below for your retrograde horoscope. Make sure to check out your rising sign, too.
Power can be an aphrodisiac for you, as you tend to be attracted to those who are infamous or successful. But now you are using your authoritative energy to attract others who deem you to be the powerful vixen that you are (not the other way around, for once in your life).
Although you can’t cuddle or stand within six feet of other people, you can find other ways to intoxicate your senses. Try an old-school technique with your boo in which they whisper sweet nothings through the phone and tickle your ear with sinfully delightful flirtations.
Discussing your innermost sexual fantasies may make you blush at first, but after you let your desires be known, you’ll take on a new empowered stance. Accepting your own kinks is crucial for your personal growth. Embrace your passions. No one’s judging you but you. (Please don’t do that anymore!)
Who’s the boss? TBH, you and your S.O. both are—if you allow yourselves to become inventive. Old issues within your relationship may surface now in a battle of control. Pro tip: Take the drama with your S.O. to the bedroom and allow each other turns taking the lead between the sheets.
Implementing a sexual fetish that you or your partner always wanted to try into your regular repertoire will definitely spice things up. Whether you’re flying solo or with another, do not hold back. The sky’s the limit. Self-quarantine is the best time ever for experimentation.
A clandestine affair from your past may resurface now, making you unsure of your feelings in your current situationship. Before getting involved with your former flame, be realistic about the practicality of the relationship. Amazing sex can make you act crazy, even by making you put your current boo on ice.
You can explore your ultimate sexual fantasies from the comforts of your own home. Log on to a virtual orgy alone or with your boo to experience your once-in-a-lifetime sexual dream. If that’s too much for you, then start with virtual sex and role-playing on FaceTime.
Time to get old school, bb. This means indulging in phone sex (yes, actually talking on the phone with your partner about your desires). You’ll connect on a deeper level and have fun talking out loud about your fantasies. This will arouse your desires. Talk about lip service.
You’re a heartbreaker by nature, as you have a love ‘em and leave ‘em attitude. That sentiment is about to change as you may become emotionally attached to your sexual partner, demanding all of their attention 24/7. This means endless hours sending each other selfies, nudes, or flirty sexts.
The fierceness within is taking a step back right now. Normally, you feel empowered to sexpress your needs to your partner. Now, you’re feeling shy. The answer is simple: Try finding your pleasure center solo. Once you know what you like, you can ask your partner for it (wink, wink).
Digging deep within will bring your edgier sexual sentiments to light (some of which may even shock you). Don’t hide away or bury your desires. Accepting the taboo will allow you to understand yourself on a real level—even if it’s scandalous. (You wouldn’t have it any other way.)
You often submit to your partner’s role-playing desires. Now, you’re asserting your inner fantasies into your relationship, which will excite your partner and force them to level up in the boudoir by acting out your inner passions. Don’t be shy. Speaking up will ensure ultimate satisfaction.
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