Playlist of The Week: Spring Break!

It’s finally spring break! Hooray! I plan on hanging out with my friends and getting into trouble and then getting arrested in a bikini and then befriending a creepy version of James Franco. Oh no wait that’s the trailer to Spring Breakers. Darn it. I wanted to have a killer spring break this year!

Honestly, I’m not cool enough to have a spring break like that. I like to eat ice cream and Fig Newtons while watching The Killing on Netflix. I don’t like spending a week on the beach and partying. I like wearing yoga pants and drinking coffee in a quiet room. It’s certainly not a glamorous life but someone has to do it.

Since I love a toned down spring break, this playlist is a combination of upbeat and laid back tunes. Listen, subscribe, follow etc.

HelloGiggles: Spring Break

St. Lucia – Closer Than This
Opus Orange – Nothing But Time
Zee Avi – Concrete Wall – Robert Carranza Remix
Passenger – Staring At the Stars
Papa – I Am the Lion King
Midi Matilda – Day Dreams
Chairlift – Bruises
Greg Laswell – Comes and Goes (In Waves)
Owl Eyes – Crystalised
Xylos – Fiction in 4 Moves
The Neighbourhood – Sweater Weather
Deap Vally – Gonna Make My Own Money

As always, send me song suggestions in the comments below or on Spotify!

Featured image via ShutterStock.