All the Yes: There’s a movement to donate to Planned Parenthood on Inauguration Day
We’ve all had a lot of feelings about this election. One thing is certain, though: women are afraid about access to birth control. We’re lucky that Planned Parenthood has provided care for over 100 years, but they’re at risk. We know President Obama is trying to protect PP’s funding, and we’re so thankful for that. But regardless of how that pans out, we need to take as many steps as possible to protect ourselves. One way to do that is to donate to Planned Parenthood on Inauguration Day.
It started with a Facebook event created by a young woman named Michelle Reed. Thousands of attendees are joining and pledging their dedication to protecting women’s (and men’s) health.
On Facebook, Reed writes: “On September 5, 1995 Hillary Clinton declared, ‘Women’s Rights Are Human Rights’ at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. On November 8, 2016 America elected a President and Vice President that are a direct threat to Women’s Rights. In an act of protest, let us unite in solidarity with Planned Parenthood and donate on their behalf on Inauguration Day. $20 on January 20, 2017. Let’s show Planned Parenthood that we stand by their side.”
The plan to donate to Planned Parenthood on Inauguration Day will provide the organization with much-needed funds to protect women’s health. It will also send a loud message to the current president elect and his vice president that they cannot dismantle women’s reproductive rights without a fight. Reproductive rights are and should be a nonpartisan issue.
Reed is also keeping a count of the event’s attendees in dollars. She writes, “If all who RSVP ‘going’ or ‘interested’ donate $20 on 1/20/17, Planned Parenthood would receive…”
On November 9th, that number was $20,020. On November 10th, it more than tripled to $62,800. Today’s numbers aren’t in yet, but the event presently has over 5,000 “going” or “interested,” the author of this piece included.
You don’t even have to wait until January: You can donate to PP and other organizations that protect women today and show your support.