This plane landed way too close to these beachgoers, and the footage has us totally on edge

If you have a paralyzing fear of flying, sorry, but what we’ve got to share at the moment won’t help much. Everyone else, sit back and watch in amazement and shock while this plane lands entirely too low over a beach in St. Maarten. We honestly don’t know what’s more terrifying: Sitting next to a snake on a plane, having a window seat on the island-bound aircraft in question (yikes), or lying at the beach and having the sun’s rays eerily overshadowed by a big ass plane literally hovering over you.

People who dance on plane wings for a living would probably call us a bunch of wimps, but trust us, y’all: We came thisclose to peeing our pants when watching this American Airlines flight make its runway approach to St. Maarten’s Princess Juliana Airport.

Oh, what a beautiful day.

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*looks towards the sky*A plane? Meh. NBD.

via giphy

So, should we run for cover now or…?

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Of course not! There are Instagram pics to be snapped.

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Now don’t get us wrong: Ever since winter came in and basically ruined everything, we’ve had nonstop fantasies of beautiful island vacation adventures, so seeing all these people hanging out on the beach on what is probably a fantabulous St. Maarten vacation is giving us a major case of travel FOMO.

However, playing duck-and-dodge with a landing plane is almost scary enough to make us scratch the dreamy Caribbean island destination off our list of prospective winter getaways. Almost.