This fully-cooked pizza can last three years. Yes, seriously.

Can you imagine being in a far-off location without access to pizza? How long would you last?
Unsurprisingly, it turns out that U.S. soldiers are having killer pizza cravings, and an Army lab has come to their rescue with ready-to-eat pizza that can last up to three years. Science never ceases to amaze us.
The pizza is one of the military’s new meals-ready-to-eat (MRE) rations: Basically, it’s a fully prepared slice that comes in its own pouch. MRE #37 is expected to be ready for soldiers to nosh in 2017.
The U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Center has been working on the formula for more than five years, but the water in dough and tomato sauce make it very hard for pizza to have an extended shelf life. The problem is that H2O makes it possible for mold to grow.
The solution came through Hurdle technology, which is a fancy way of saying that control elements like the acidity of the tomato sauce, the oxygen in the package, and the careful layering of ingredients keep the food fresh. It’s pretty genius.
And for the million dollar question: Is it any good?
As food technologist Lauren Oleksyk told Tech Insider, it tastes like “day after pizza,” or maybe a school-cafeteria slice. The soldiers reportedly gave the high-tech pies good marks.
I mean, leftover ‘za is the breakfast of champions in our book. Well played science, well played.