Pinterest just made it *so* easy to buy anything you see on the internet

Shopping on the internet is definitely way too easy (hello, saved billing information) already, but a new Pinterest shopping feature is about to make searching and buying products you see around the web a one-step process. And don’t worry if you aren’t a Pinterest sort of person — it’s all done through a new Chrome extension that launched on Tuesday.

Pinterest already had a visual search option through their site. So if you saw a pair of sunglasses on a board, you could search other similar items and find ones that better fit your budget or look. But this works on outside sites. All you do is download the extension, and then, every time you see a product you like — like a great pair of boots on a model — you plug the image into the search engine.

Pinterest will search similar products using their visual search. You can browse through the extension, but if you want to go all the way to the “buy” stage, you’ll be brought to Pinterest so follow through. Cool, right? Once you download the extension, every image from retail sites will have a “see more like this from Pinterest” option that will show you similar items.


Some retailers might not be too happy that customers would browse similar products right from their website, but if you can’t find anything more interesting in the search results, you won’t even have left the original product page, so it makes it easy to compare and pull the trigger on what you want. 

Pinterest also won’t be showing you “buyable” pins in the search results, so you won’t have to worry that they’re only showing you promoted pins or ads.

It’s really just testing out all the ways this visual search thing can eventually work (and eventually make it so retailers and consumers get the most out of it).

Pinterest co-founder Evan Price told ReCode that visual search is the way of the future. “You shouldn’t have to put your thoughts into words to find great ideas,” he said (and which we totally agree with). How many times have you wanted to look for a certain kind of, say, cool sweater you saw on a designer website but didn’t know what keywords to plug in to look for similar looking ones that you could actually afford?

If this where online shopping is headed, we’re in big, big trouble (and we love it).

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