Pink’s Instagram got hacked and she took her trolls down on Twitter

For whatever reason, people loooove to hack celebrity Instagrams. Maybe it’s just the thrill of feeling like you have millions of followers for a few minutes, or something. That’s a lot of power! Anyway, for whatever reason, someone hacked into Pink’s Instagram yesterday, and the singer was not happy about it once she found out— not one bit. We’re not sure what they posted, because things have since returned to normal over on her Insta, but the damage was done, and she was fired up. She took to Twitter to send a message to the hackers and let them know exactly how she felt. false
When some people told her she shouldn’t worry about the little things, she snapped back at them, too. The thing is, this isn’t really a “little thing” for Pink — the privacy of celebrities is something that’s taken from them time and time again, and we’re sure it can feel like such a violation when people purposefully cross those lines. false
She then turned it around and decided to spread a little positivity and perspective. She thinks most people are good, wished good luck to those who are unhappy, and ended the conversation. false
Anyway, we’re hope this was the last time you get hacked, Pink, and that your Thursday is better than your Wednesday!