Piglet therapy is our new favorite form of stress relief

What do you do when you’re stressed? Take a nap? Have a bath? Unwind with some Netflix? Everybody has different preferences when it comes to winding down, but have you tried petting a pig?

If you’re a student at Nottingham Trent University, you can! Students at the U.K university organized an event where their fellow stressed-out classmates could come and give these tiny pigs a cuddle to relieve exam tension.

They called it “Piglet Room,” and the hashtag is filled with adorable pictures of little piggies scurrying around, just ready to give some luvin’.

This kind of thing appears to be a tradition at the University. Last year, students organized a similar “Puppy Room” to raise money for guide dogs. The piggies are also raising money for the same charity, so if you go, you’re not just helping yourself, you’re helping others as well!

Pigs not your thing? Then don’t worry. The cute little piggies are joined by some other farmyard companions: two goats, a donkey and a plethora of chickens.

Too bad we can’t all hop on a plane right now to get over there and scoop up all the furry creatures, but maybe this could act as inspiration for schools in your hometown. Just make sure you get permission first. Setting animals loose in school hasn’t exactly gone down too well in the past

(Image via)

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