Piers Morgan apparently has a problem with Amber Rose’s NSFW photo

Another day, another celebrity Twitter feud. Today, TV personality Piers Morgan criticized Amber Rose for posting an NSFW picture across her social media accounts on Friday night. The photo in question showed Rose naked from the waist down, with her glorious lady bush on full display.

The reason for the post? To promote her third annual SlutWalk — an L.A.-based event Rose organizes each year that’s aimed at empowering women and putting an end to victim-blaming and sexist double standards. Which we think is feminist AF! But it seems Morgan doesn’t quite agree.

Now, Piers Morgan is no stranger to internet controversy, but he may have made a mistake coming for Amber Rose.

Earlier today, Morgan decided to retweet Rose’s photo with the comment, “Put it away, luv.” Which immediately triggered a response from the feminist badass Rose.

“I’ll take ‘Things Misogynistic A**holes Say’ for $500, Alex, she fired back, with an ironic “hashtag.

Clearly, Rose wasn’t having it! But this was only the beginning of what would turn out to be a heated exchange between the two celebrities. See if you can follow the Twitter thread below:

Then Morgan revealed his real issue with the photo…

Rose then fired back with an old image of Adam Levine to draw attention to yet another double standard women have to deal with:

Morgan responded, but kind of proved Amber’s point with this tweet:

Because like we said, the photo was to promote and raise awareness about the SlutWalk and issues faced by women. Rose responded with:

Then things took a strange turn. There are some things you can never unsee…

While we’re not keeping score over here, if we were, we’d feel safe enough to say Amber absolutely crushed this one.

The third annual Amber Rose SlutWalk will be held in L.A. on October 1st.

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