Artist Photoshops cat into classic works of art, hilarity ensues
Our latest art crush is a photographer from Bucharest, Romania, named Eduard Cîrstea. Like all of us, Eduard is a cat lover. The feline object of his affection is Chistoc, a gorgeous ash-gray kitty with classic good looks. We couldn’t be more serious when we say “classic.” Chistoc has a certain something. Maybe it’s his Mona Lisa smile. Maybe it’s those piercing Rembrandt eyes. Or maybe it’s his Rubenesque habit of lolling around on his cat bed…
Chistoc just kind of exudes an artsy vibe, right? Eduard certainly thinks so. He’s taken the above photo of his cat (which is already gorgeous) and seamlessly photoshopped it into master works of art. And you guys, it WORKS. Seriously. We found ourselves doing double takes, because Chistoc looks like he belongs in these paintings. I mean, who knew the likes of Vermeer and Michelangelo could be improved upon?
Take a look at Eduard’s latest project below. It’s like Master Arts Where’s Waldo, Kitty Edition. (Is that a thing? Because it really should be.)
The Milkmaid, Johannes Vermeer
The Creation Of Adam, Michelangelo
Bonaparte Crossing The Alps, Jacques-Louis David
American Gothic, Grant Wood
The Death Of Marat, Jacques-Louis David
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci
The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci
Mars And Venus, Sandro Botticelli
The Astronomer, Johannes Vermeer
[All images via Eduard Cîrstea, with permission.]