Tour diary: On the road with our girl Phoebe Ryan

We at HelloGiggles love singer and songwriter Phoebe Ryan — her brilliant mashups, her gorgeous original tracks — which is why we were so excited when she told us she’d be keeping a tour diary, just for us. Phoebe is right now traveling around the U.S. opening for Charlie Puth on his Nine Track Mind tour. Here’s a look inside Phoebe’s world, and a window into what life is really like on the road — straight from Phoebe herself.
San Francisco — March 3rd
We kicked off the tour in San Francisco, and even though I was pretty nervous, as soon as I stepped on stage it felt so good. I hadn’t had a show since October so I was overwhelmed by how much I missed singing for an audience of genuinely excited, engaged people. My best friend and roommate, Taylor Bloom, also made my dress that night, and wearing it brings me good luck. Also, video games.
Los Angeles — March 6th
Playing in Los Angeles always feels special, because I’ve been living there for two years so it’s my second home. Being able to see all of my friends’ faces out in the crowd is my most favorite thing. I always try to shoot them a peace sign or something so they know I can see them out there. Oh, and that’s me in the van when I’m bored because my drummer Jason is hogging the video games.
Scottsdale — March 7th
A rare moment of silence in the empty venue, then fast forward a few hours to a rowdy, very attentive and high energy crowd. There was some technical difficulties during a song in our set so I began to free style rap about Arizona and the kids went wild. I met so many cool fans at the merch table after the show.
Denver — March 9th
Denver has been my favorite stop on tour so far. So cliché, but I seriously felt magic in the air, way before we even did sound check. I just had a feeling it was going to be a great night. And man, it was just incredible. I met some fans after the show that have been listening to me for the past year, as well as people who had just heard me for the first time and told me excitedly that they were new fans.
Dallas — March 11th
I have an obsession with gas station fashion, and on the drive to Dallas I found the best hat ever. It says “ROCK” in huge, colorful rhinestones. I decided to wear it on stage, but after the first song was over, I knew I had to throw it into the audience. I am heartbroken, but happy the hat has found a new home on the head of a very sweet fan.
Travel day to Atlanta — March 13th
On our way to Atlanta, we stopped in Jackson, Mississippi. There were bad storms in the area, and the drive was dark and rainy the whole time. But remember how I said I was obsessed with gas station fashion? Well my new NASCAR jacket really was the best purchase I’ve made in a while. It was a long, long drive. Maybe I’m losing my mind a little bit.
Atlanta — March 14th
Before the show, I got to meet a few fans at a coffee shop down the street from the venue. We got coffee and talked about life and I had the best time because they were seriously the coolest people. Seriously. I could go on and on about how awesome they are, but instead I will just say – SUP ATL CREW – see you soon!!
We leave you with Phoebe’s new song “Chronic.”