Pharrell’s ‘Freedom’ music video is overflowing with beauty and inspiration

Pharrell has debuted yet another feel-good song and video, and this time its’ message is touching our souls on a profoundly deep level.

The song is “Freedom,” and via the incredible vid Pharrell and director Paul Hunter seem to be sending us all a very powerful reminder: Freedom is not a state of being, but a state of mind.

Throughout the video, Pharrell can be seen walking his way through work camps and sweat shops, pointing to his head, singing “freedom.” Though grim at times, Pharrell leaves room for optimism and resilience. The video is supplemented with incredible images of people mentally “freeing” themselves from the confines of their mind — fashion models taking off their wigs, an elderly woman lifting weights high above her head — heck, with lyrics like “Mind, use your power / Spirit, use your wings,” every image in this video is inspiring and beautiful.

While “Freedom” premiered on Apple Music a few weeks ago, you don’t need an Apple Music subscription to watch, at least not anymore. As of today, “Freedom” is available for all to see on YouTube.

Enjoy the Thursday pick-me-up, below. Heck, this is way more than a pick-me-up, it’s straight-up inspiration. Pharrell is making more than music, he’s sending message.

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[Image via YouTube]