This period-themed coloring book is revolutionary – and also a lot of fun
Lots of people get periods: about half the world’s population, in fact. Why, then, do we still treat them like they’re dirty and gross? One designer wants to change that, so she created the Period Coloring Book to challenge the stigma and get people talking about menstruation.
Andrea Yip is a designer and public health practitioner who works out of Toronto and New York City. She created the 30-page coloring book as a playful guide to the “lived experiences” of people with periods.
Yip told TeenVogue:
"[A coloring book] is an easy entry point for people to start thinking and talking about periods, and that we can learn something different by visualizing the experience."
"I think coloring is a meditative and playful way to explore topics that may be considered serious or taboo — topics like menstruation."
Yip launched the IndieGoGo campaign for the coloring book Wednesday. She plans to send out the first copies of the book in March 2017.