You should watch this hilarious web series to laugh about your period AND support Planned Parenthood

From Victorian England, to Colonial America, to 18th Century France, Period Piece hilariously guides us through the lives of menstruating women in various historical eras in short, but striking 2-3 minute episodes. Created by Liliana Tandon, Period Piece is the comedic web series inspiring us to embrace menstruation and break the stigma surrounding it.

Now, in their second season – released yesterday – we time-travel in episode one to meet the ladies of 1800s Germany.

Perfectly illustrated by a parody of Mean Girls, we learn that women on their periods in this era had to free-bleed into their clothes, so period stains were not out of the ordinary. And for the high school students in this hilarious episode, a bloody trend came to adorn their uniforms. But these women owned it– and certainly made me feel more confident as I reflected on sixth grade, when I bled through my school uniform quite freely.

In addition to making you feel empowered and providing a good laugh, you should watch Period Piece for another important reason:

100% of their ad revenue for season two is being donated to Planned Parenthood Action Fund during the first 48 hours.

Even Gloria Steinem is tweeting about it.

Watch more episodes here!