People are carving pineapples for Halloween instead of pumpkins and we kinda love it

When it comes to Halloween there seems to be two camps of people: either you’re pretty indifferent to the whole decorating and dress-up thing or you’re borderline obsessed.
Those who have fun with the day of dress-up, candy and spooky things always come up with the most creative ways to take it all to the next level, from costumes to creatively carved pumpkin, some people just have the right skills to make us envy their love for Halloween.
But, who ever first came up with an alternative to pumpkin carving by carving pineapples wins major points in our books because it’s literal genius.
Who really knows why pumpkins became the one-and-only appropriate Halloween décor because looking at some of the carved pineapples proves that any gourd, vegetable or fruit can be just as awesome to carve.
Pineapples are the right size:
They have spooky texture already:
They have great Halloween hair:
Pineapples look great lit up:
They’re certainly scary looking:
But, they also know when to be cute:
And pineapples look great with their friends:
So, we’re kinda feeling this look here – will you be trying out pineapple carving this year?