These geniuses discovered Pennywise dancing in “It” works with basically every song

If Pennywise ever wants to get out of the creepy clown business, he can definitely take up dancing. Internet geniuses figured out that Pennywise’s dancing in It works with pretty much every song known to humankind. The monster’s got rhythm! What can we say?
To jog your memory — as if you haven’t seen the brilliant remake of Stephen King’s It for the seventh time already — Pennywise put on a fairly horrifying show for Beverly Marsh in the sewers of Derry, Maine. It was a little bit country, a little bit rock n’ roll…
And ~a lot~ horrifying, TBH.
So, to soften the Pennywise blow and show It that we are not afraid of him (so please don’t come up through our sewers, thank you!), the internet synced up Pennywise’s dancing to some major bops.
We’re shocked to report that these songs work way too well. It’s hilarious.
Ra, Ra, Rasputin #ITMovie #ItMovie2017
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 12, 2017
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 13, 2017
Everytime We Touch #ITMovie #IT #ItMovie2017
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 12, 2017
Most of these mashup videos are coming from a single Twitter account, @Pennywise_Dance. Whoever is behind this modern marvel is doing a great job, and we urge them to keep going.
I'm Blue #ITMovie
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 12, 2017
Barbie Girl #ITMovie #ItMovie2017
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 12, 2017
We can’t decide if the addition of funny background music makes the Pennywise dance number any less frightening. But since we can’t stop scrolling and pressing play, we have to admit that we’re thoroughly enjoying this new meme.
Someone please pull us out of this internet hole we’ve fallen into.
Come on, Eileen! #ITMovie #IT
— Pennywise (@Pennywise_Dance) September 12, 2017
Keep the Pennywise dance routines coming, people of Twitter. We’ve gotten a taste and now we need more!