Soon you’ll be able to pay for your Amazon purchases with a selfie

As if we needed more excuses to take a bunch of *fire emoji* selfies, Amazon just gave us one more. According to Recode, the online shopping company recently filed for a patent that would allow users to use selfies rather than passwords when it comes to making their purchases.

There are several advantages to this, the big one being that while we often forget our passwords, it’s not likely we’ll ever forget our faces. It also doubly ensures that nobody else can hack into the account, since anyone can type in a password but only you can take a selfie. Think of it like using your fingerprint for a password—only more personal.

According to the full text of the application, the image is processed using facial recognition technology that confirms the image is in fact that of a living human. One of the ways it does this is by prompting the user to “perform certain actions, motions, or gestures, such as to smile, blink, or tilt his or her head.”

This definitely sounds a lot more fun than having to remember all our various passwords, and it also is much safer. Plus, it might stop all our late-night impulse purchases, because who wants to take a selfie of their bed head?

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