One of the greatest Paul Rudd movies ever is finally coming *back* to Netflix

If you find yourself watching Netflix’s Wet Hot American: First Day Of Camp and Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later and thinking, “…there’s something missing, huh?” There is something missing — as in, the 2001 cult indie movie that started it all and has now given way to a prequel-sequel, and a sequel-sequel.

Once upon a time, Wet Hot American Summer was on Netflix, but then it went to the great “currently unavailable to stream” graveyard in the sky.  But now, it’s coming back. After a short hiatus — maybe it fell into some green, radioactive goop? — Wet Hot American Summer is coming to the streaming site once again.

Yes, that means you can relive all the great Paul Rudd glory moments again and again. Over the last 17 years and three different versions of “too cool for skool” Andy, he really hasn’t aged one bit.

He’s not the only familiar face and beloved name in the movie, as it also stars (deep breath): Janeane Garofalo, David Hyde Pierce, Molly Shannon, Christopher Meloni, Michael Showalter, Elizabeth Banks, Ken Marino, Michael Ian Black, Bradley Cooper, and Amy Poehler.

And now this means you can marathon the whole WHAS trilogy. It’s best to start with the movie first, which focuses on a group of horny teenagers on the last day of camp…except that all the teenagers are played by 20-something and 30-something adults. Then Wet Hot American Summer: First Day Of Camp takes us back to — you guessed it — the first day of camp at Camp Firewood, and the kids are all still played by the adults, now 15-ish years older, even though in the movie they’re supposed to be younger.

It’s best just to accept this joke and go with it.

Ten Years Later jumps forward into the future, when the whole gang decides to get back together, since they penciled it into their trapperkeeper full of appointments.

Wet Hot American Summer returns to Netflix on March 1st, and it’s just one of the many titles that will be streaming next month. The list of titles coming (and going ?) will hit the internet on Thursday, so start getting ready to say hello, and goodbye, to some friends.

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