Paul McCartney and Rihanna jammed together live at Desert Trip

When Rihanna, Kanye West, and none other than Sir Paul McCartney teamed up for 2015’s “FourFiveSeconds,” the song was instantly iconic: Both because it put together musicians from different literal and sonic generations together, and because it was a deceptively catchy hook. (Like you didn’t just start thinking it.) However, one would think that the song is a hard one to ever hear performed live, given the busy schedules of all three musicians involved.

But during this weekend’s Desert Trip, Rihanna found the time to join McCartney on stage for a two-person rendition of “FourFiveSeconds.”

Cheekily dubbed “Oldchella” because of the age of the artists involved, Desert Trip takes place in Indio (the site of Coachella) and highlights some of the most iconic artists (and now officially, poets) of our time. Friday brought on The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan; tonight’s headliners are Roger Waters and The Who. And on Saturday night, Paul McCartney and Neil Young shepherded the crowds. In fact, those two even performed together:

But [insert rant about Instagram generation here], so it was Rihanna’s guest appearance at Macca’s Indio set that brought the most buzz. To be fair, the festival’s overwhelmingly older performer set didn’t mean that most of the audience members were also older, but we’re willing to bet that unlike Coachella and many other music festivals, the crowd at Desert Trip is a little less likely to be thrilled with just any guests. And well, in a giant suit reminiscent of the one she wore in the “FourFiveSeconds” video and giving vocals for the gods, Rihanna proved that she can hang with one of the greatest:

We’re a little surprised that Rih wasn’t at the Tidal charity concert that brought Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, and many others together, but curiously, Kanye West also wasn’t at that Tidal concert either. Could there have been the chance of an all-three-artists live performance of “FourFiveSeconds” this weekend? Alas, the world will never hear, but thank Rihanna and McCartney for at least this much.

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