If you’re obsessed with all things cats, you’re going to want to snag this makeup vault right meow

If you are a lover of cats and lavishing your face with luxurious makeup, then take solace, because there is a cat-themed makeup vault out there in the world, and it has your name written all over it. The glorious vault includes all the must-have cat lover beauty products you were previously unaware you needed in your life.
The undeniably creative beauty brand named Paul & Joe already blessed the world with their genius cat-shaped lipsticks, but now they’ve released an anniversary feline makeup vault that will fulfill all of your cat lipstick needs at once.
The brilliant collection includes a cat-shaped makeup bag, one full-size cat lipstick, along six smaller cat lip colors all nestled in beautifully illustrated packaging.
You can purchase the set for $83 from ASOS online. Beauty Bay has also blessed U.S. Paul & Joy fans because we can shop their products stateside!
This is possibly the cutest and most absurd way to celebrate the 15th year anniversary of the brand.
It’s also 100% on brand for them.
We’re having a difficult time deciding what we love more, the makeup itself or the feline designs.
Also, we’d totally wear an outfit featuring the same ornately drawn cat designs as the makeup bag.