Patrick Stewart shared how fostering a pit bull has changed his life, and get ready to cry

Logan star Sir Patrick Stewart is melting our hearts in the best way possible. Because Patrick Stewart is fostering a pit bull named Ginger. Stewart started fostering the dog through LA’s Wags and Walks. Their love for each other is super adorable.
This is seriously off-the-charts levels of cuteness.
In an interview with People, Stewart revealed the impact caring for Ginger has had on his life.
"I find that my relationship to the world and to the news every day in the papers and on the television has been changed by Ginger, because she has brought such a quality of patience and tolerance and fun into our lives, that it has, in a very short space of time, shifted my sense of where our world might be going. I literally find myself more optimistic than I was, and there is only Ginger to account for this. It is the impact of sharing my life for only seven or eight days with Ginger."
The actor also recounts the moment he fell in love with Ginger:
"One morning they arrived with Ginger and almost immediately something happened. First her warmth and friendliness and curiosity and good manners impressed us right away, but what we were not prepared for is what very quickly followed and that was that we fell in love."
Stewart has also partnered with the ASPCA to put an end to dog fighting.
The campaign is called #GetTough, and is meant to bring awareness to the cruelty of dog fighting, as well as fight the stigma against pit bulls. To combat negative images of pit bulls, owners are encouraged to take selfies of themselves and their furry friends. We are very happy to report that Stewart and Ginger definitely participated.
Although initially Stewart and his wife Sunny Ozell wanted to adopt Ginger, they, unfortunately, can’t take her back to the UK with them. There is breed legislation in place that makes it incredibly difficult to bring Ginger back home with them. So the couple is currently focusing on getting her a great forever home in the United States.