Patricia Clarkson just got super-real about “Ghostbusters” and Hollywood sexism
Sexism in Hollywood is a hot-button issue right now, and actresses are opening up left and right. Jennifer Lawrence penned an essay about the wage gap between male and female stars. Sarah Paulson recently shared that executives only consider her for leading roles when she has blonde hair. And now, Patricia Clarkson is speaking out as well.
The actress recently sat down with the UK’s Guardian and she had more than a few things to say about sexism in the industry. First, Patricia revealed that she’s been treated inappropriately on set before because she’s a woman. Sadly that isn’t a shocking revelation, but what is sad is how plainly she states it as a fact.
“When I was younger, of course I had people act inappropriately to me. I’ve had certain directors yell at me. But I didn’t stand for it and I didn’t let it go far enough for it to be in any way abusive to me,” Patricia said. “People didn’t speak up as much as they do now. Women have risen. But we’re still underpaid and we’re still a vast minority in this business.”
When the conversation turned to the upcoming Ghostbusters movie and the male outrage at four female leads, Patricia Clarkson didn’t hold back.
“There are still so many movies made starring 50 men and one woman!” Patricia exclaimed, frustrated. “A white male actor should never be allowed to complain about anything. Shut up and sit in the corner. I mean, seriously!”
This is clearly an important topic for her, and we’re glad she’s speaking up. Female actresses still experience overt sexism, but hopefully the more they talk about it, the less common it will become.
“The odds of us having films made which star women … Everyone still references one movie: Bridesmaids!” she said. “Ghostbusters is a great thing and I love these actresses. I can’t wait to see it.”
Neither can we, Patricia. Neither can we.