Parents dress up their napping baby as Guns and Roses’ Slash —we cannot deal with this level of cuteness

Crank the cuteness dial up to an “11!” STAT.
New parents are often advised to “never wake a sleeping baby” – and for a good reason! So when inspiration struck Los Angeles photographer, Laura Izumikawa Choi, she tread very carefully (and creatively).
Little did baby Joey know that while he slumbered peacefully, his mom was transforming him, piece-by-piece, into legendary rock guitarist, Slash.
“Sha na na na na na na na knees knees ??? #gunsnroses #notinthislifetime,” wrote the boy’s mom, perfectly captioning an equally perfect photo.
Wow – are we looking at a tiny member of Guns and Roses right now? Because we fully believe this infant wants to load up a tourbus of hot babes and take them to “Paradise City “after a night of shredding on his guitar.
But don’t be fooled. Baby Joey isn’t some “Sweet Child O’Mine.” After waking from his slumber, tiny Slash was presented with an iPad blasting some sweet GNR riffs. And if we’re not mistaken, his sweet little hand movements are mimicking the classic chord progressions!
Somebody contact Axl – we’ve got a prodigy on our hands! And baby Joey, don’t forget – you’ve got to learn to crawl before you can stage dive!