Why pediatricians want parents to be careful about posting pics of their kids on social media

Many parents casually post pictures of their children on social media without a second thought, but a new study suggests that parents should exercise more caution in their online behavior.

As reported by Time, a new study examines the safety of parents posting pictures and video of their children on social media. The study, presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2016 National Conference & Exhibition, urges parents to become better acquainted with the privacy settings of the apps and sites that they frequent and to seriously reconsider alluding to a child’s location in a post.

And it's no wonder they're pushing for this -- over 90 percent of two-year-olds already have an "online presence," and about one-third of literal newborns are already on the Internet after their first 24 hours of life outside the womb.

More cautious behavior can also help to establish agency in their children, and that is also something that many parents can improve on.

By allowing their children to have a say as to whether or not they want to appear on social media, parents can improve their children’s decision-making abilities and self-confidence.

Bahareh Keith, director of the pediatric global health track and an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Florida College of Medicine, had this to say about the study and its effect on children:

"Parents often consider how to best protect children while the child is using the internet. However, parents –including myself, initially – don’t always consider how their own use of social media may affect their children’s well-being."


Ensuring the privacy and agency of their children is a concern that many parents share, and posting less pictures on their social media can help improve that.

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