Here’s your next outgoing voicemail message courtesy of Samuel L. Jackson

Getting the perfect voicemail greeting can be tricky. You want to sound professional but also fun, and you want to fit in all the necessary information without seeming like a robot. Why not just get Samuel L. Jackson to do it instead? When The Hateful Eight actor stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Stephen requested he record the message we never knew we needed, and now we can all have it on our phones with the simple click of a button.

The message is great because it both doesn’t mention that it’s Samuel L. Jackson while at the same time being so obviously him. It’s got everything you need. It’s short and to the point while still being hilarious, saying all the things we wish we could actually say when we miss someone’s call.

You can download the message over here and watch the clip of the recording below!

(Image via YouTube)