Here’s what we know about the new pirate coming to “Once Upon a Time”

Do you feel that Once Upon A Time needs more pirates? If you’re in that boat (pun intended), then here’s some good news! A brand new swashbuckler is joining the show, and without a doubt, he’s going to cause trouble for our Captain Hook.
“But wait,” you think, trying to remember back to the OUAT mid-season finale, “didn’t Hook kinda like, I dunno, die?”
Yes, you would be correct there. Hook did die, but then Emma and the rest of the Charmings set off for the Underworld to bring him back to life, as you do.
And with this new pirate, it sounds like he’s someone who’s caused trouble for Hook in the past, meaning that he might already be in the Underworld, too.
Costas Mandylor has joined the show as Captain Silver, who just might be the famed Long John Silver from Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island. Little is truly known about his character right now, except for his shiny name. But, it would make total sense for this to actually be LJS, seeing as how OUAT has jumped to novels before — Wizard of Oz, Frankenstein — and there are only so many established pirates out there in the storybook world.
Captain Silver will make his first appearance sometime this spring, and he could very well show up in the Underworld, or in present-day Storybrooke, or even in a flashback, or all of the above. But living, dead, or somewhere in between, Hook better be ready.