Oscar Isaac made up many of his lines in “Star Wars,” because of course he did

Your internet boyfriend’s back, and he’s looking all sorts of dreamy. Because hey ya, hey ya, OSCAR ISAAC IS BACK.


Isaac has been around for a while, popping up in movies and TV here and there, but it wasn’t until his turn as Poe Dameron in Star Wars: The Force Awakens that we were all like, “Oh.” And now we’re like “Yes, please. More, please.” Good thing the Movie Powers That Be heard our request, and we’ll next see him in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, where he plays Apocalypse. It’s hard to see his beautiful face underneath all the blue prosthetic makeup, but it’s there.


We’ll get to see his face again in the next Star Wars movie, Episode VIII, which according to Isaac will be “darker.” But will it be as FUNNY? You’ve know, Force Awakens was a little bit funny, and that’s all thanks to the comedic timing (and lip biting) of Isaac’s Poe. What you probably don’t know is that Isaac actually improved many of his lines as the hotshot X-Wing pilot.


Talking to Rolling Stone in a brand new lengthy interview, Isaac lets us in on a big Star Wars secret: “We’re making shit up as we go.”


What does that mean? According to Isaac, many of his LOL lines — like when he asks Kylo Ren, “Who talks first?” were added in later during the shoot, with him making up a lot of them up on the fly. And you know what? IT WORKED. That “Who talks first?” line happens like three minutes into the movie, and it completely sets the pace for the new saga. Sure, we’re in space and everyone’s at WAR, but it feels completely human.


As for what’s next for Poe and his jokes, Isaac continues that “the heroes get tested. All three of them [Poe, Rey and Finn] get tested immensely…[and] BB-8 gets tested too! Everybody gets tested!”


Tested in the Force, or their comedic chops? We’ll just have to wait and find out.

(P.S. Sorry for all the Oscar pictures, but I figured you would want to see them)