“Orange is the New Black’s” Jackie Cruz and Diane Guerrero are heartbroken about the #Flaritza shocker
At the very end of Orange is the New Black Season 5 — and brace yourself, because here come spoilers! — it looked like Flaca (Jackie Cruz) and Maritza (Diane Guerrero) would be separated…for good. The pair had discussed how much they mean to one another early in the episode, only to be torn apart later on when they were put on different buses following the riot — making the #FLARITZA shocker, all the more shocking.
If you were devastated by that, you were in good company because Cruz and Guerrero totally felt your pain.
"That chemistry is real, so that ending you saw was all real. It was hard for me to stop crying," Cruz told The Hollywood Reporter. "If we were separated on the show and not working with each other every day, after five years, it would not be the same. This journey has been more incredible because she's been with me."
“When you connect with that one person and open up yourself to them as an actress, we’ve done that with each other. We open our hearts to each other and to the world on this show. Everything you see is true.”
Guerrero felt all the feels too.
“It is really sad if we do get separated,” she explained, echoing Cruz. “We don’t know what we’re going to do without each other.” That said, she trusts in the writers. “I want to reflect what society looks like and comment on that.”
Who knows what Orange is the New Black Season 6 will bring, but we’ll certainly be hoping for a Flaritza reunion. It’s not like it’s a guarantee that they’ll be separated forever, right?! And in the meantime, we’ll take solace knowing that Cruz and Guerrero feel our pain.