These new “Orange is the New Black” images reveal absolutely nothing, but we’re still SO worried

After basically being emotionally scarred by last season, we’re both scared and excited about the Orange is the New Black Season 5 promo photos Netflix just released. We’re super looking forward to getting back to Litchfield, but going back to our fav ladies also means we’re going to have to watch them deal with what happened to Poussey in Season 4, which even we haven’t fully dealt with.

(Will insurance cover therapy necessitated by emotional trauma caused by a television show? Asking for a friend.)

The newly released pictures don’t give much away about the next season, but it’s just nice to get a look at what’s happening. Like the fact that Suzanne is helping Kukudio recover after beating the sh*t out of her last season.


We also got a pick of Nicky and Morello side-eying something really hard, which makes us SO NERVOUS to be honest, but it also means they’re hangin’ out. We literally just want Morello and Nicky to be happy. Pretty please, Netflix gods?


Annnnd in other news with our fav relationships, Boo and Pennsatucky apparently start working at the commissary together which sounds ridiculously fun to watch. SOMETIMES WE CAN HAVE NICE THINGS! This is also super comforting after rumors that Taryn Manning (Pennsatucky) was looking to leave the show, ’cause obvi she’s still here.


Some of our faves are moving up in the world in other ways — like getting an iPad? We imagine that Taystee is still working for Caputo and taking advantage of her work perks, but we’re also super nervous about how concerned the inmates look about what they’re seeing.


Whatever is happening in Litchfield in Season 5, we’re excited to return, and also already bracing ourselves for the pain of missing Poussey’s smiling face the entire time.

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