Oprah is joining “60 Minutes,” which will hopefully make the news slightly more comforting

It hasn’t been easy to follow the news lately. While there are still plenty of wonderful things happening every day, many people are getting down about the current state of world affairs.

Luckily for all of us, Oprah Winfrey will contribute to the program 60 Minutes.

And, in doing so, will hopefully bring a refreshing perspective to some frustrating issues.

Of course, the Queen of Daytime is no stranger to the news. In her long and impressive career, she has a knack for telling true stories with a great sense of heart. And that’s exactly what she plans on doing as an ongoing contributor to the news program.

Oprah announced her collaboration with the CBS show in a statement.

As EW reports, she explained part of her intention in returning to news journalism is to help heal the growing divide between people.

She said, "At a time when people are so divided, my intention is to bring relevant insight and perspective, to look at what separates us, and help facilitate real conversations between people from different backgrounds."

And we have no doubt that the Presidential Medal of Freedom award winner will do just that.

The executive producer of 60 Minutes, Jeff Fager, echoed the general excitement about Oprah’s partnership with the show.

Fager said, "There is only one Oprah Winfrey. She has achieved excellence in everything she has touched. Her body of work is extraordinary, including thousands of interviews with people from all walks of life."

Oh how right he is. There’s no word on exactly when we will see her first piece on the program. But we can expect to begin seeing her stories sometime this fall.

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