This is the ONE totally bonkers thing you missed in “Finding Nemo”

Guys, we’re only a few days away from the highly anticipated Finding Dory, the over-a-decade-in-the-makingsequel to Disney’s 2003 masterpiece Finding Nemo, and we’re finding it hard to contain our excitement.
In fact, we’re so excited that we’ve been obsessing over Finding Nemo just a ~little~ bit.
Aside from the fact that it’s a brilliant film, Finding Nemo is jam-packed with adorable Pixar references and jokes. But there is ONE small thing you probably never noticed before.
Here’s the scene we’re talking about specifically:
Did you catch that? No? Yes? Maybe? (And, no, we’re not talking about the “Mr. Incredible” comic book that the little boy is reading, though that is PRETTY COOL.)
Give up yet? Okay, we’ll show you.
Here’s the shot as we see it in the movie.
Here it is zoomed in a little bit – are you seeing it yet?
We’ll zoom in again for a clearer look.
It appears to be an ad for…BABY BEARDS?!
Accompanying an image of a baby with a full-on lumberjack style beard are the words, “Troubled by your Baby’s Beard?” And a “Free!” in italics. Does this mean someone is giving out free baby beards? If so…why?!?!
We have no idea what it means, but in all likelihood this is some kind of inside joke at Pixar. As we know, there’s always a list of “production babies” listed during the credits of each Pixar movie.
So, maybe the joke was in reference to one of these wee ones?! Guess we’ll never know…
But, for now, in words of Dory herself, we’ll just keep swimming.