Omg! Could a “Hidden Figures” musical be in the works?

Fans of Broadway and inspirational stories about amazing women get ready, as there are rumors that Hidden Figures could be coming to Broadway, and O-M-G!

If there’s been one movie recently that has captured the collective conscious of the world it’s Hidden Figures, the incredible and heartwarming story of the women who helped NASA launch its space program. Inspired by the true untold story of Katherine Johnson, the movie — which stars Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monáe — has become a huge box office smash, and inspired young women around the world. Essentially, the movie has become an instant classic (and too right).

Now there is some talk about Hidden Figures coming to Broadway, and YES PLEASE.

In an interview with Forbes, Janelle Monáe revealed that one of the screenwriters for the movie, Allison Schroeder, had been speaking to her about the possibility of the movie (which is itself an adaptation of Margot Lee Shetterly book of the same name) being adapted for the stage.

In fact, Monáe even suggested that Octavia Spencer reprise her role. “She’s the best singer and so she should definitely sing all the numbers, she should sing every song in there,” she said.

Meanwhile, Forbes contributor Simon Thompson also quizzed Pharrell Williams about the possibility. Williams was responsible for the original music in the movie, while also acting as a producer on the movie. He was, it seems, a bit coy.

“I’m not at liberty to talk about that but, you know…,” he said.

Tbh, we actually couldn’t imagine a more important and inspiring story to be told on stage. We’d love to see how the incredible story translated on stage, and bet it would be a HUGE success if things were to come to pass. What’s more, given how cagey those involved with the movie are being with any talk about a musical, we can’t help but feel that Hidden Figures could become the next Broadway sensation.

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