Olivia Wilde snapped a meaningful baby bump selfie to help fellow moms

Olivia Wilde is one of those celebs who’s much more than a celeb. Just today, the actress proved this when she shared a rare baby bump selfie for a meaningful reason: To encourage her fans and followers to support the Reach Every Mother and Child Act.

“Join me today on #BumpDay to ask Congress to pass the #ReachAct so all moms have healthy pregnancies,” Olivia wrote, captioning the photo below.

Wilde‘s call to action is simple, effective, and a totally genius move. Her enthusiasm made us want to learn more about #BumpDay, so we rushed to figure out how we could help Wilde (and all other awesome moms!) out.

So what do we need to know about the Reach Every Mother and Child Act?

Every minute, 11 children under age 5 die from preventable causes – but we don’t have to let that horrifyingly high rate be our normal because the Reach Every Mother and Child Act seeks to change that.

Led by the Child and Maternal Survival Coordinator at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the act has the potential to make a significant difference. According to Save The Children, the act would strengthen and improve our current health and nutrition programs to increase their reach. With enough support, the act could pass, and save the lives of an estimated 15 million children and 600,000 moms.

Overall, this is a powerful act with long-term goals.

The collaborative strategy covers 10 years(!) and seeks to end preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths by 2035. Because, again, we have that power. Plus, it’s already making progress!

According to Congress (because yes, you do have access to this information!), the act has been read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. You should also 100% check and see where your representatives stand on the act! If you support it, encourage them to do the same.

Olivia Wilde wants you to stay educated, and so do we! That’s why it’s important for us all to do research on our own, and to figure out where we individually stand on this hugely important matter.

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