This eye-opening detail from last night’s “Game of Thrones” will forever change the opening credits

**Spoilers ahead for the Season 6 finale, “The Winds of Winter.”**

Guys. We saw SO MUCH last night in the Season 6 finale of Game of Thrones that our heads are still spinning. Some of our favorite fan theories (R+L=J, anyone?!) came true while other major “oh shit!” moments took us by surprise.

But there was one mind-blowing detail you may have missed in all the excitement last night.

Remember when Sam went all Belle-inside-Beasts’-library last night? Sure you do, because we were all like, “coooool!” Well, while your eyes feasted on those gorgeous mile-high library stacks inside Old Town’s Citadel, there was something HUGE you may have missed.

Check out those chandelier-type things.

Here’s a better look. Do they seem familiar?

No? Maybe? Let’s take a quick look at the Game of Thrones opening credits then, shall we?

Now a side-by-side comparison.

HOLY CRAP – it looks like we’ve been seeing Old Town’s (specifically the Citadel’s library) chandelier, light-reflecting things THIS WHOLE TIME!!!

Now, we don’t know about you, but we’ve always wondered what exactly that glowing orb in the opening credits was.

And we’re sure you’ve noticed before that there also are several moments when lenses appear to “focus” in on the different areas of the Seven Kingdoms map.


Well, check out all those different lenses around the orb inside the library.

Further proof!!!

But what are these magnificent golden orbs actually? They seem to reflect light throughout the library. And, clearly, they’re on cables so they probably move around. Are they giant magnifying glasses that the maesters use to keep an eye on the Seven Kingdoms with? Are they just super fancy chandeliers? How does one maneuver them? Will Sam be an expert maneuverer the next time we see him?!?

These golden orbs must be SOMETHING important to have such a prominent place in the opening credits. The question now is just: what? And we’ll be eagerly awaiting the answer for the next 10 months.

Until then…have fun Sam (just don’t forget about Gilly and baby Sam.)


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