‘OITNB’ is back! So let’s get to know Ruby Rose, the actress behind the newest inmate
Netflix, pulling a surprise Beyoncé move, brought Christmas to us early and dropped all 13 episodes of Orange Is The New Black ahead of schedule. Instead of struggling to stay up ’til 3 a.m. EST/12 a.m. PST, our third annual binge began earlier than expected at 9 p.m. and 6 p.m., respectively. THANK YOU, NETFLIX. I’m willing to wager that there are at least a few of you out there who are already done with season 3. I salute you.
As for everyone else, whether you’re on episode 2 or episode 8 or waiting to binge this weekend, our favorite Litchfield inmates are back and they’re truly better than our OITNB dreaming brains could have hoped for. Depending on where you are in your binge, you’ve already met the newest lady locked up, Stella. For those that aren’t that far along, don’t worry, no spoilers ahead. But Stella is just as cool as the Australian actress/model/TV personality who plays her, Ruby Rose. To get the full OITNB experience we decided to get to know Rose a little bit better. Here’s what you should know about our newest favorite lady in orange.
This is her first BIG acting gig.
Rose is already big in her home country, Australia. Now, prepare for her to be big here too. The 29-year-old Aussie is known for being an MTV VJ down under, and is blown away by the success she’s already found in the States. “My first big job is maybe, arguably, one of the biggest television shows around at the moment with some of the best actors of our time,” she told Entertainment Weekly.
She binge-watched OITNB too.
We love her already. Talking to Rolling Stone, Rose said that even before joining the show she was a big fan. “I was a really big fan of the first two seasons. I was a little bit late on the first because I was not in the country; I just saw it going crazy on social media. So I turned it on on a Friday, and three days later, I’ve just watched an entire series of a TV program; I was like, ‘There has to be something wrong with me.’ I had never binge-watched TV before Orange.” Heart that.
She has a pretty dope commitment to challenging herself.
“Acting is one thing that scares me sh*tless,” she told EW. “I could live my whole life being so comfortable doing things I’ve already worked hard not to be nervous at, or I could continue to push the envelope and make myself uncomfortable and learn and see what I’m capable of and acting is definitely that.”
Rose is also often mistaken for Justin Bieber.
For real. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Rose explains that a director once told her that she looked “too much like Justin Bieber” to play a “sexy girl.” UM, have you seen Rose, random director calling her not sexy? In response to that, Rose wrote, produced, and starred in a short called Break Free, where she transforms from one character into another. It’s definitely worth checking out, but it’s also NSFW. So wait until you’re home to watch it. It’s now also got over 3 million views, so take that, director.
She loves the skin she’s in and is open about gender fluidity.
Rose is incredibly open about her gender, sexuality, and how that makes up every little part of her. She uses female pronouns, but is comfortable explaining what that means to her, and how she likes to be identified. “I feel like I’m a boy, but I don’t feel like I should’ve been born with different parts of my body or anything like that. I feel like it’s just all in how I dress and how I talk and how I look and feel, and that makes me happy,” she explained to The Guardian. “I think at this stage I will stay a woman but . . . who knows. I’m so comfortable right now I feel wonderful about it, but I also fluctuate a lot.”
Her tattoo game is on point.
Ninja Turtle tattoo? Amazing.
Now that you love her even more, get back to your OITNB binge. And binge-easy knowing that somewhere Rose is probably binging it too.