The first time all the ladies filmed together for Ocean’s 8 was *the day after* the 2016 presidential election

Do you remember where were on November 9th, 2016? Oh yes, that’s the day after the 2016 presidential election where everything in the world suddenly looked…not great.

There’s a wide range of things you maybe did that day to cope with the impending doom election results, and if you were part of the Ocean’s 8 cast you put on a happy face and went to work. The film was still currently shooting at the time, and even worse (…or maybe for the better), November 9th was the first day all the ladies were shooting together on set, which means that yes, that they could find solace in one another. And that’s exactly what they did. And TBH, on November 9th if I could have hugged Sarah Paulson and held her tight, I would have.

Ahead of the movie’s release in theaters, HelloGiggles jumped on the phone with Ocean’s 8 co-writer, Olivia Milch. When asked about a stand out moment filming the movie, Milch goes right to the election.

"I think that one of the big moments was the day after the election [in 2016]," she explains. "It was the first day that all 8 women were on set together and shooting together and they came in and [the director] Gary [Ross]  gave this amazing speech sort of about...what it meant, and it was really moving. However anyone felt about that day, [the outcome was] certainly was a surprise. I remember later in the day they were shooting a scene and all eight of them were talking and laughing and taking up space and being so authentically themselves, and for a moment, I had forgotten what had happened."

Honestly, just hearing that story makes ME forget about what happened, too. That day also had an effect on Milch, because it reminded her about the wonders of movie magic.

"I thought, oh this is it, this is why we go to the movies, this is the power of this thing. It was what Gary had spoken to earlier in the day, but it was just a profound moment and understanding of what the power of story telling is. So that day really stuck out and sticks out in my mind."

Another moment that stuck out for Milch was just about every time they shot in the Met, because it meant watching “Sarah Paulson walking down the steps,” which sounds like a great way to spend any afternoon. Ocean’s 8 hits theaters on June 8th, friends.

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