The simple, beautiful way President Obama just honored Rosa Parks
Sixty years ago today, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, an event that would transform Parks into an international civil rights icon. Though she is best known for her heroism that day on the bus, Time reminds us that Parks spent her life working to make the world a more equal and fair place. She served as a secretary for the NAACP in the 1940s, and dedicated herself to advocating for voter registration and school desegregation, as well as committing herself to the battle to end sexual violence. She passed away in 2005 at the age of 92.
On the anniversary of this historic act, President Obama took the opportunity to make a statement filled with beautiful and necessary words about Parks’ life and legacy.
He started by placing this woman and her momentous actions in context:
Obama then proceeded to illuminate and commemorate her legacy:
Here’s to you, Rosa Parks, great lady and giant of your age.
(Image via Twitter)