Obama just made his last dad joke as president (and it’s out of this world)

If you’ve been in a state of denial about the fact that Barack Obama only has one week left as the president of the United States, the White House Instagram account just gave us a playful — but oh-so brutal — reminder that Obama’s presidential days are almost over. It involves a dad joke that President Obama made on Twitter and it’s such a bittersweet moment for all of us citizens who will miss our 44th president dearly.
The Curiosity, a rover from NASA that is exploring the surface of Mars, has a plaque on it that includes President Obama’s and Vice President Joe Biden’s signatures. The Twitter account for Curiosity Rover shared a photo of this plaque as it roamed around Mars.
Signed, sealed, delivered. I carried @POTUS’s signature to the surface of #Mars. https://t.co/YThE6o82e3 #NASAPast8Years pic.twitter.com/q7bE8etRAc
— Curiosity Rover (@MarsCuriosity) January 12, 2017
The message from Curiosity was already super sweet since it referenced one of Obama’s campaign songs — the Obama family-approved “Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours” by Stevie Wonder.
But then, President Obama one-upped the Curiosity by responding to the tweet with one of his patented dad jokes, writing: “That is out of this world.”
That is out of this world. Thanks, @NASA. https://t.co/R8CSjAwt2E
— President Obama (@POTUS44) January 12, 2017
But what’s really making us cry is the White House Instagram account’s response. It posted a screenshot of Obama’s tweet and wrote: “One last dad joke.” ?
Knowing that this outer space joke is most likely the final dad joke that Obama will make during his presidency is just too much. How will we survive without his terrible puns?!
We’re about as emotional as Biden was when Obama surprised him with the Presidential Medal Of Freedom on January 12th.
Obama has made a long tradition of making puns — and embarrassing his daughters in the process — when he pardons the turkeys during Thanksgiving as he makes a “corny-copia of dad jokes about turkeys.” So one little consolation is that he promised Malia and Sasha that he’ll continue doing Thanksgiving jokes during the holiday even when he’s not president.
So, while we will miss Obama and his dad jokes terribly, maybe there’s a way we can get invited to the Obama family Thanksgiving table one year. Because we’re going to need to hear Obama’s lame, but oh-so-lovely jokes if we’re going make it through the next four years.