President Obama singing “Hotline Bling” is our new favorite Drake meme

Of all the songs that defined 2015, “Hotline Bling” was undoubtedly one of the year’s best. From the moment it dropped, the song was inescapable — and, questionable lyrics aside, it’s fair to say that it’s a pretty catchy tune.

“Hotline Bling” is fun, a little emotional, and easy to dance to. It’s Top 40 at its best; and whether or not you’re a fan, it would be hard to deny its pop culture power in 2015. When Drake released the highly-anticipated music video in October, the Internet was instantly obsessed. In fact, the video soon sparked one of the year’s funniest memes, in which people paired clips of Drake dancing with songs across all genres of music. As it turns out, like Beyoncé, Drake, too, is always on beat — albeit with much goofier moves.

It’s tough to imagine a “Hotline Bling” meme that can top that, but YouTube channel BaracksDubs’ newest video certainly comes close. For those unfamiliar, BaracksDubs takes clips from the President’s speeches and pieces them together so it seems like he’s “singing” popular tunes. From the Pokémon Theme Song to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off,” all songs are fair game — and now, we get to watch the President “sing” one of the year’s coolest.

Unsurprisingly, the video is epic. Not only do we get to see a very impressive mash-up of the President’s speeches set to the tune of “Hotline Bling,” but also quite a few shots of his head superimposed on Drake’s body. If you’ve ever wondered what the President would look like in OVO street wear while busting out his best moves, wonder no more. It’s a beautiful sight to behold.

Based on his pick for top song of the year, it’s obvious that President Barack Obama is hip with the cool jams — so it makes sense that BaracksDubs would pick “Hotline Bling” as its latest tune to tackle. In a year with no shortage of Drake memes, this one just might take the cake. Check it out for yourself below.

(Image via video.)

The best of the best from Drake’s “Hotline Bling” meme

ICYMI: “Hotline Bling” as told from a woman’s perspective