Watching these NYC librarians shelve 52,000 books in two minutes in the most soothing thing ever

After an intense book-buying sesh, it’s perfectly acceptable to leave your new literary additions lying all over the floor because who’s gonna judge you, boo? Well actually, these NYC librarians who shelved 52,000 books in two minutes might find your sloppiness completely unacceptable. Wait, wut?! How is this even possible, you’re probably asking while prying a brand new book out of your cat’s claws.

Since 2014, New York Public Library’s Rose Main Reading Room has been under renovation, but now that the project is nearing completion, someone had to put all those books back in their proper places before the reopening. Since watching the librarians do the job in real time would’ve probably been boring AF (no shade, librarians), this magical time-lapse video the library shared on YouTube makes reshelving all those friggin’ books look like a cakewalk.

Whew! Well, that was strangely satisfying. It doesn’t take a hardcore lover of libraries to appreciate all of the time and effort that went into this, particularly if you’re someone who engages in tsundoku, the Japanese word for going HAM in the bookstore knowing full well you have no intention of reading all the stuff you just bought.


Sooo, does anyone else feel an overwhelming sense of guilt for neglecting their precious piles of books? Just us? OK, fine we can’t promise that we’ll turn into book repurposing gurus and start making staircases out of books or doing something crazier, like promising to read them all. We suppose that finding a proper place to store books that isn’t asking too much, but we can guarantee that these librarians don’t have to worry about us coming for their jobs.