NPH’s brand new promo has us all kinds of excited for the Oscars

The list of men who we love more than Neil Patrick Harris is a very, very short one. He has talent times a million, and charm like nobody’s business. Plus he’s a song and dance man. If you’re stuck on Doogie Howser NPH, or How I Met Your Mother NPH, allow us to introduce awards show host NPH. In the hosting arena he unfailingly shows off his mega stage presence, his biting wit, plus his ability to make the audience (at least appear to be) super comfy even while he lovingly roasts them. If you need a little visual evidence, we present Exhibit A: NPH opening the 2013 Tony Awards like the extreme pro that he is.

In this Oscars promo, released Christmas day, Neil invites viewers to forego presents for the family this year and instead “give them the gift of simply telling them to watch me host the Oscars.” Done and done. This will be Neil’s FIRST time hosting the Oscars but his Tonys hosting and Emmys hosting are evidence that he is more than up to the pressure-cooker challenge.

If you need more proof, check out the promo and get psyched:

The Oscars take place Feb. 22, 2015. NPH will be there. So will we. 

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