If you aren’t into DIYs, you should try this clay cleanser for clumped curls

Hydrated curls have a way of naturally clumping together. Girls with curls know that these perfect curly clumps mean more definition and less frizz when dry. Getting curls to clump is a mixture of product and technique. Equally distributing product is super important, and what’s known as the “praying hands method” (gliding product over sections of hair pressed between palms) is an effective way to get curls to behave.

Technique is only half the battle, though. Without the right curl-enhancing product, clumps just won’t happen. One sure fire way to get popping curls is with a bentonite clay mask that also does WONDERS for skin. No shade, to DIYs but this one in particular can get messy.

Dark and Lovely just created a Clumping Clay Cleanser for curlies who just aren’t into DIYs. As part of their Anti-Shrinkage line, the Au Naturale Clumping Clay Cleanser ($9.99 at Target) uses coconut and argan oils to hydrate and stretch curls.

Along with the cleanser, Dark and Lovely have also created a gel to keep clumped curls looking defined. Start with the clay cleanser then follow up with the Au Naturale Curl Control Gel to moisturize. Shop it here for $9.99.

For those of us who have a 19-part curl regimen, whittling it down to a mere two products sounds divine. Oh, and if you (and your blender) have ever endured a Pinterest fail, you may wanna just add these to cart and not give it a second thought.

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