Nicole Kidman has defended her clapping at the Oscars, and it all makes sense now

After many internet memes and much speculation, Nicole Kidman has defended her clapping at the Oscars, and it all makes sense now.

This year’s Oscars were a pretty dramatic affair. For the first time, there was a snafu that saw La La Land wrongly awarded Best Picture. In fact, Moonlight had won the coveted prize of the night, and there was a whole heap of reactions from people on social media and celebrities alike who were shocked at what had occurred.

Of course, this being an award show in the age of memes, there were heaps of other moments that got people talking.

One of those was Nicole Kidman’s clapping…

This GIF quickly went viral, with many on social media commenting on Kidman’s interesting style of clapping.

Well, Nicole Kidman herself has now responded to accusations that she was “clapping like a seal,” and there seems to be a really simple answer to the whole thing. Essentially, it was all to do with her jewelry.

Speaking to an Australian radio station, Kidman said:

"It was really awkward. I was like, 'I wanna clap, I don’t wanna not be clapping,' that’d be worse, right? Like 'Why isn’t Nicole clapping?'" she said. "So therefore I’m clapping but it was really difficult because I had a huge ring on that was not mine – but it was absolutely gorgeous – and I was terrified of damaging it."

Tbh, this makes SO much sense. We do know that celebs borrow a lot of the bling they wear at the Oscars, and we wouldn’t want to be responsible for breaking something worth hundreds of thousands of dollars because we were clapping over enthusiastically.

We’re glad that’s all cleared up.

Nicole Kidman also spoke about the Oscars snafu, saying that it had been a pretty confusing moment in the audience, too.

“I was like “what is going on?’” she said. “I thought that someone wasn’t well, and then I saw people’s faces dropping. It was bizarre.”

It was reported that the snafu occurred due to a mix up of envelopes, with The Academy issuing an apology, along with the PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting firm who counts the Oscar votes.

“We sincerely apologise to Moonlight, La La Land, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for best picture,” PwC said in a statement.

Looks like all the mysteries of the 2017 Oscars have been sorted. We’re now just waiting for Ryan Murphy to turn them into a new season of American Horror Story.

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