Beyoncé needs to make Nicki Minaj her twins’ godmother after this ridiculously sweet post honoring Blue Ivy

Many celebs have posted tributes to mama-to-be Beyoncé, but Nicki Minaj’s post honoring Blue Ivy — who will soon be a big sister two times over — takes the cake.
And if Bey and Shawn Carter haven’t yet decided on godparents, well, we hope this post will convince them that Bey’s “Feeling Myself” collaborator is literally the only choice. (Besides Michelle Obama. Dear god, could you even imagine?)
“This beautiful little lady bug is so smart & special,” Minaj captioned the photo of Blue Ivy she posted to her Instagram account after she heard the good news. “You guys have no idea! So Dear Blue, you are going to make an AMAZING big sister. Love always, Nicki ???”
(Can we all stop for a second and appreciate that Blue Ivy Carter is only five years old, and already has megastars like Nicki Freaking Minaj singing her praises on the internet? Again, could you even imagine?)
Anyway, we still have no idea when Beyoncé’s due date is, what gender her twins are, and so on and so forth. But we do know these two very important facts: 1) that Blue is going to be an amazing big sister and 2) that Cool Aunt Nicki is going to have these kids’ backs forever.