If Nic Cage were ALL of the ‘Game of Thrones’ characters
Let’s take a short break from reimagining Disney princesses as other things, and turn our attention to inserting someone else in different scenarios. How about we go with, Nicolas Cage, and think about what would happen if he became every character from Game of Thrones? We don’t have to just picture this strange beauty merely in our minds, one Imgur user has already beaten us to it. Step aside, Cinderella, we’ve got someone new to insert into pop culture now.
This study in Nic Cage is called, “Cage of Thrones.” It’s everything we could ever dream it would be, and then more. Cage’s face has simply been inserted over the Game of Thrones characters we know and love, and it really is the best mashup we’re going to see all month. It’s not just the main GoT characters, either, but a whole slew of others who have departed over the last five seasons. Tell me you don’t feel a tinge of pain seeing Cage take on role of wildling, Ygritte.
Oh, and the fun doesn’t stop there. We’ve also got Cage as Arya, Cage as Daenerys, Bran, The Hound, and Drogo.
So do you need to see what would happen if Cage played literally every single role in Game of Thrones, Nutty Professor style? Yes, yes you do. Head over to Imgur where you can check out every image in the series. Seeing as how GoT has caught up to the books, maybe this is the direction to take Season 6.
[Images via Imgur.]