We’re psyched by the latest “Gilmore Girls” reunion

Good news and bad news, Gilmore Girls fans — The good news? It looks like Hep Alien is getting ready to rock again. Bad news? Season Three dreamboat Dave Rygalski (also known as The O.C. breakout star Adam Brody) doesn’t look like he’s included. Still, it’s nice to know that Stars Hollow’s number one band is still, to this day, playing gigs.

Hep Alien’s returning alum include Lane Kim (played by Keiko Agena, the woman who never ages), Brian Fuller (played by John Cabrera),  Zack Van Gerbig (played by Todd Lowe) and of course, Dave’s replacement Gil (played by the fantastic Sebastian Bach).  Prior to, we were uncertain as to whether or not Sebastian Bach would make an appearance, but thanks to John Cabrera’s Instagram account, we know it’s definite.

Look how different everyone looks! Keiko Agena looks incredible with bangs, and Todd Lowe aged into adulthood quite well.

This hasn’t been the first reunion of Hep Alien since the show went off air in 2007, but it’ll be the first that includes Sebastian— Keiko, Todd, and John performed a version of the show’s iconic theme song, “Where You Lead,” last year during the ATX Television Festival. Here’s a video, showing Todd in character. Obviously Carole King’s tune might not be “Hep Alien” enough for him.

It’s so sweet that these guys are so close. It looks like Lane and Zack’s marriage was able to handle both having twins, and rock and roll. Interestingly enough, the band staying together is pretty much exactly what Keiko predicted in a 2015 interview with HuffPost Entertainment.

“It’s interesting about motherhood. I have a friend who’s a stylist. She’s amazing to me because she has four young kids, but she is nonstop. She has her own business, her own career. She never quit that creative side of her. So maybe in my mind I think that Lane wouldn’t have been able to stop that creative push. Because nothing was able to stop that, it didn’t seem like it, in her storylines,” she said.

We’re curious to see if they’ve managed to go on a tour that included venues that weren’t a Seventh Day Adventist church.

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