There are new sexual assault allegations against Nate Parker (again), and here’s what you need to know

Today in super disturbing news, we just learned something new about Nate Parker that has us not too thrilled. You may or may not be aware of the fact that Parker was accused of rape in 1999 and later acquitted, but that the woman he allegedly assaulted committed suicide as a result. The idea that Nate Parker was a rapist caused controversy surrounding Birth of a Nation, and now there is new controversy to be had. Why? Because a new report shows that Nate Parker allegedly exposed himself in college.

According to The New York Timesthe incident took place following Parker being accused of rape.

"Interviews and documents reviewed by the 'New York Times,' including court records, indicate that Penn State officials appear to have been lenient at times with Mr. Parker. Suspended from the wrestling team when he was criminally charged with rape, he was reinstated in the fall of 2000 while still facing trial."

It continues,

"Within weeks, a female student trainer complained that he had exposed himself to her. But after she decided not to go to the police, despite the urging of the university, Penn State appears to have dropped the matter."

So why are things just now coming to the surface? According to Mic, this allegation bubbled up on accident. Remember that time Penn State’s assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was found to have sexually abused 10 young boys? Well, his abuse is still being looked into. It just so happened that when they were researching Sandusky’s violence, they stumbled upon Parker’s too.

This is especially noteworthy because he’s already been accused of sexual violence.

Parker is saying the current claims are untrue, but we’ll be waiting to see how this all plays out, especially since some research shows that perpetrators of sexual violence tend to do so repeatedly. Ugh. Not a great situation all around.