Could this new Netflix series be the next “True Detective?”

Remember the halcyon days of 2014 when True Detective started on HBO and practically *everyone* was obsessed with it? We could barely contain ourselves each week waiting for a new episode to air – it was completely chilling. Similarly, we really loved The Killing (although the Danish original was, we have to say, a bit better), and have spent HOURS going through Netflix watching shows like Top of the Lake, Broadchurch, and even Making a Murderer.
Basically, it’s probably safe to say that we love a scary murder mystery…but then who doesn’t?
Well, we’ve just uncovered a brand new show coming to Netflix this fall that looks like it could give all of those scary thrillers a run for their money.
Titled Paranoid, the show is an eight-part drama produced in conjunction with British TV channel ITV, and follows the fallout after the murder of a female doctor in a children’s play park.
The trailer for the series just premiered and we have to say that it looks set to be one wild ride.
Doesn’t it look super creepy, but also totally addictive? We’re already completely curious to see what occurs, and how the case is solved, it at all.
The show was created and written by Bill Gallagher, and stars Downton Abbey’s Kevin Doyle (or Mr Molesley), Game of Thrones‘ Indira Varma (or Ellaria Sand in the show), and British acting legend Lesley Sharp.
If the show is anything like True Detective, we know we’re going to watch this one with a friend or partner because we got hella creeped out.
Paranoid will come to Netflix following it’s run on ITV, and is expected this fall. Finally something to fill the void that was left by Stranger Things!